We all remember when science class changed from building baking soda volcanoes to dissecting frogs. The transition from being a simple elementary school student to a junior high mad scientist was something that we all looked forward to.
By Clare Christensen on Nov 6, 2015
Updated Oct 15, 2021

We all remember when science class changed from building baking soda volcanoes to dissecting frogs. The transition from being a simple elementary school student to a junior high mad scientist was something that we all looked forward to. Not only were we excited to play with a scalpel, but we also knew that you were working your way up the science education totem pole. We couldn’t wait to check out the lab where we would do all of our experiments.

Now the real question is, do you remember what your junior high science lab looked like? We asked some members of the Clark/Sullivan team to describe their junior high science lab experience:

“I remember dissecting frogs in an everyday classroom. We took all of our individual desks and pushed them into a ‘lab station’ and just did our thing! I remember having to put Vick’s Vapor Rub on our upper lips to mask the smell of formaldehyde. And, things definitely got messy. To this day, whenever I’m around Vick’s, I’m reminded of the experience.” – Clare Mason, Communications Manager
“As I recall, the better/cooler science was reserved for the high school level, so middle school was basic stuff. We only did physical science out of books, so everyone was excited to get to high school and start doing the cool experiments.” – Michael Flores, Project Manager
“I had an awesome middle school science teacher. She made the experience very hands-on with a lot of experiments and related outdoor examples with every unit. For that age, it made it as real as possible as opposed to all theory and bookwork.” – Jerry Hogan, Chief Estimator

Well, science and technology have changed a bit since we were in school. We recently broke ground on a $6.8 million new construction science building at Chico Junior High School. The project consists of 5,500sf of the latest and greatest science technology. Students will have access to 70” interactive, touch screen TVs, individual computer monitors at each lab station and all the bells and whistles that you can imagine a lab would have.

Science programs can now equip students with the latest tools available, allowing students to safely compete with the new standards in technology. Giving students the ability to learn more is something that Clark/Sullivan Construction feels passionate about and is proud to say that we have a part in the Chico community in this way.

To stay up-to-date on what’s going on at the Chico Junior High School jobsite as well as other projects, follow us on Facebook.